App Not Downloading or Updating

If you are having trouble launching or updating your My Mobile Account app, try these simple hints and troubleshooting steps to get the app working for you.

Hint #1

Always connect your phone to Wi-Fi before attempting the troubleshooting steps.

Open Settings, tap Network & Internet, then switch Wi-Fi to On and connect the phone to Wi-Fi (if not connected).

Step 1

Open Settings and tap Apps & notifications. If available, tap See all apps.

Step 2

Tap the three little dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen then tap Show system.

Step 3

Locate and tap Google Play services. Tap Storage and then tap Clear Cache. Accept the prompt that may appear.

Step 4

Tap the back arrow to go back to All apps.

Step 5

Locate and tap Google Play Store then tap Force Stop and accept the prompt.

Step 6

Tap Storage then tap Clear Storage and accept the prompt.

Step 7

Hold down the Power button, tap Restart then tap Touch to restart.

Step 8

Open the Google Play Store, search for the My Mobile Account app, then tap Update.

Hint #2

ALWAYS allow App permissions for My Mobile Account so the app can function correctly.